Seven themes for interesting calendars

Seven themes for interesting calendars

How can you promote your company or products all year-round?

A calendar is a great way to ensure that you are always in the minds of your prospects and customers. Every time they look at their wall they will have a reminder of you.

Businesses that use calendars actually promote a stronger relationship with their audience. This is because of the constant reminder on their wall: they cannot help but be aware of you. This means that you are more likely to receive enquiries and orders from them. A calendar helps you achieve your business objectives.

Organisations that ignore calendars are going to have work a lot harder to remain front of mind for their audience. People are less likely to engage with a company they do not remember.

In order to achieve the best results from your calendars, it is important to create good content. It is important to create a calendar that is unique to you, rather than relying on standard content. Using an off the shelf calendar with your details overprinted rarely creates the right impact. Here are seven ways to theme your calendar:

1. Use a calendar as a product catalogue

Use each month to show off one of your products or services. Recipients have a much better chance of understanding your full offering.

2. Inspire with shots of great jobs

If you have produced jobs for customers that you are proud of, you should shout about it! Show recipients what you can do for them. (Just make sure you get permission from your customers to share what you have produced for them.)

3. Demonstrate the type of creativity you have

If you are a creative business then you have a huge opportunity with a calendar. You can design your own artwork for it. It should show off what you are capable of. You might even have designs that customers can buy.

4. Document what happened over the last year

What happened to your company last year? If you attended events, won awards or had big changes at your organisation then a calendar is a good chance to celebrate this.

5. Promote what is happening next year

What should your customers be aware of for the following twelve months? Are there events that you will be attending? Are there industry events that they should be reminded of? Will you have a range of new product launches? A calendar is a good way to make sure that everyone is up to speed on what is happening.

6. Use a calendar to meet the team

A calendar is also a chance to be personal. Why not use each month to focus on an individual? You can include a portrait and some background information as well. This can help customers feel much more connected with your organisation.

7. Celebrate your locality

If you have a particular association with where you are based, then it may be appropriate to share this with your recipients. Maybe you are all local businesses and everyone will appreciate local scenes.

Isn’t it hard to design your own calendar?

With one of our templates, the design is a simple task. We already have a number of outline designs that you can choose from. All you have to do is change the wording to suit you and drag and drop your illustrations. Contact us today for one of our templates.

If you really want your calendar to stand out, consider going large! Make your calendar A3 size. That’s double the size of the A4 calendars that most people create.

Remember this one golden rule about calendars

It is vital to print and deliver your calendar early. The calendars that are received first are the ones that stand the best chance of being chosen to be hung in pride of place. So try out our template designs today and make sure you order your calendar very soon.

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